We are unsure what causes the maldevelopment in Hemifacial Microsomia, but genetic and environmental factors may play a large role. The incidence of Hemifacial Microsomia is likely under-reported due to the wide variations of severity, but may be between every 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 25,000 births.
Symptoms of Hemifacial Microsomia may lead to occlusal issues, development of sleep apnea, swallowing problems, and hearing deficits to hearing loss.
Surgical intervention to treat degrees of Hemifacial Microsomia may be as simple as removing a skin tag in front of the ear to performing jaw surgery to correct sleep apnea. Here at the Kentucky Center for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, you can be assured that we have the expertise to address all aspects of care regarding your child’s deficit.

This patient has Pruzansky Grade III hemfiacial microsomia with a missing mandibular body, ramus, and condyle. There is also incomplete formation of the zygomatic arch (cheek bone) and maxillary hypoplasia.